
  • Teddy Dolfie Sorey
  • Mohammad Bisri
  • Dian Sisinggih


Abstrak : Pengelolaan DAS yang tidak tepat dapat mengakibatkan masalah erosi dan sedimentasi seperti yang terjadi di Danau Tondano, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang mengalami pendangkalan, sehingga mengancam masyarakat sebagai pemanfaat danau dan kelestarian danau itu sendiri. Penyebab utama pendangkalan adalah masuknya sedimen terutama berasal dari Sub DAS Panasen dan Ranoweleng akibat perubahan tataguna lahan. Hasil penelitian tahun 2010 menunjukkan 74% luas DAS Danau Tondano masuk klasifikasi ringan sampai sedang, sedangkan 26% kritis. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa karakteristik lahan tersebut sebagian besar cukup kebal terhadap potensi erosi. Hasil penelitian saat ini didapat laju erosi 17,88 ton/hektar/tahun, debit inflow 3,55 m3/det, inflow sedimen 72.409 m3/tahun. Penanganan dilakukan secara vegetatif  dengan menetapkan jenis tanaman dan manajemen kawasan penyangga serta secara mekanik dengan membangun cekdam baru.


Kata Kunci : Sub DAS, Erosi, Sedimentasi, Pendangkalan Danau, Konsep Penanganan


Abstract :Improper watershed management can lead to problems such as erosion and sedimentation that occurred in Lake of Tondano, North Sulawesi Province which is currently experiencing silting up, thus threatening the society as the lake users and the preservation of the lake itself. The main cause of silting is the influx of sediment which primarily derived from Panasen Sub-watershed and Ranoweleng as a result of changes in land use. The results of the study in 2010 showed that 74% of Tondano Lake watershed area is classified as small to medium, while the rest 26 % categorized as critical. This indicates that the characteristics of the land is mostly quite resistant to the erosion potential. The results of the current study obtained erosion rate 17,88tonnes / ha / year, the discharge inflow 3,55 m3/s and the sediment inflow 72.409 m3/year. The handling is conducted vegetatively by determining the type of plant and management of buffer zones as well as mechanically by building new checkdam.


Keywords : Sub Watershed, Erosion, Sedimentation, Silting Up of lake, Handling Concept




How to Cite

Sorey, T. D., Bisri, M., & Sisinggih, D. (2017). KAJIAN PENANGANAN SEDIMENTASI DANAU TONDANO. Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering, 7(2), 259–267. Retrieved from https://jurnalpengairan.ub.ac.id/index.php/jtp/article/view/318




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